Auditions for Leads/Named Roles are Closed
Audition Tips from Theatre Trip specific for Moana, Jr – check out the suggested songs and monologues.
Check out some monologue suggestions for young people at these sites
Step 1: Read through the Guide and tutorials for Auditioning
Read the Audition Guide for details BEFORE submitting your audition forms!
Step 2: Complete the Audition/Permission Forms
Auditions are closed
Due by 11:59 PM on April 10, 2024
All young people in 3rd-8th Grades who wish to PERFORM must complete the audition form which includes creating a monologue video and a song video. Be sure to read the Audition Guide above prior to submitting your form!
Scroll down for payment information!
Tech Crew
If you are interested in helping behind-the-scenes and you are in 8th-12th grades, just check that box on the Audition Form. You do not need to submit videos for the audition. You will need parent permission forms to participate.
Tech Crew will be scheduled during Summer Camp and some pre-camp rehearsals.
Auditions are closed
Due by 11:59 PM on April 10, 2024
PARENTS of all Performers and Tech Crew members must complete the Permission form which includes rehearsal dates and participation expectations.
**Be sure to complete the payment process linked below
Please note: Only the Leads who will participate in the April through June rehearsals need to complete this audition process. All other students will register for camp and be assigned roles during camp.
Step 3: Deposit at least 1/2 of the camp registration payment
Camp Registration is Closed
Please email the Director ([email protected]) to be placed on a waiting list!
Click here for Moana, Jr Summer Musical Theatre Camp Information