Two-Week Summer Musical Theatre Camp
Monday through Friday
June 3-14
9 AM to 4 PM
With the Option to Arrive up to one hour early and/or stay one hour late
Registration is closed and camp is underway –
but you can purchase tickets NOW to see the show!
To culminate our two-week Moana Summer Camp, we will present two shows of Moana, Jr. on Saturday, June 15th.
There will be TWO opportunities to see the show: 1:30 PM or 4:00 PM.
Tickets are GENERAL seating and are first-come, first-served.
Seating will be limited – Get your tickets before they sell out!
Purchase online for $10 or at the door for $15.
All rehearsals and performances will be held at
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
(2505 W. Northgate, Irving, 75062)
Here is a link to one of the songs from Moana, Jr…enjoy!
Take a plunge into the world of Moana, Jr The Musical!
This two-week introduction to Irving Youth Theatre will focus on:
- Collaboration and teamwork
- Building Confidence
- Learning songs and dances from Moana, Jr
- Learning about makeup, costumes, props, sets, and all aspects of putting on a show!
- Performances scheduled for Saturday, June 15 (1:30 PM and 4:00 PM) at the end of the camp!
- Check back here to purchase tickets for the show!
Does my child need theatre experience to participate?
No – this is an introductory/exploratory two-week camp to introduce young people to Irving Youth Theatre, producing a show, and the possibility of being a part of our next musical.
Does my child need to audition to be a part of the camp?
No, everyone who registers for camp will be cast in the Moana, Jr musical. Auditions for Lead Roles are closed…but your child may still participate in the camp and be a part of the show!
What should my child wear?
Comfortable clothes they can move in – preferably shorts and a t-shirt. Tennis shoes are better to dance in than sandals, flipflops or Crocs.
Will you provide food?
Irving Youth Theatre will provide snacks and a lunch break – but each camper should pack a lunch that does not need to be refrigerated or microwaved – think picnic or “brown bag.” **It is important to stay hydrated! Bring a plastic (no metal or glass) water bottle labeled with your child’s name**
What if we can’t pay $300 per child?
The $300 includes all camp activities, the production and a souvenir script, plus daily snack. Siblings who also enroll in the camp receive a $50 discount. Contact us at [email protected] to discuss scholarship options.
Where do I pay?
Registration is Closed – if you have not made your payment, contact Mr. Hill.
If you prefer to write a check or pay cash, you can make your payment to ESI – Irving Youth Theatre and contact Mr. Hill for details about where to send/bring payment. ([email protected])
What if my child needs to come early or stay late?
We are providing campers the opportunity to arrive up to an hour early (between 8 AM to 9 AM) and stay up to an hour late (between 4 PM to 5 PM) Each EARLY HOUR or AFTER HOUR session will be an additional $5.00/child fee. Please note: if your child arrives more than 10 minutes early or stays more than 10 minutes late, you will be charged the EXTRA HOUR fee per occurrence.
When do we perform the show?
After rehearsing for two weeks, our performances will be on Saturday, June 15th at 1:30 PM and 4:00 PM. Tickets will be $10 for General Admission.
What if I’m in high school, college or beyond?
We’d love to have your help being a camp counselor (working with smaller groups of kids to help them learn the song/dance and play games, etc.) or help with monitoring or providing snacks. Fill out the registration form and select where you’d like to volunteer!
What if my younger sibling wants to come to camp to?
Moana, Jr. Summer Musical Theatre Camp is open to current (SY23-24) 3rd through 8th graders. If you have been in a show with us before and you are a younger sibling of a camper, please reach out to Mr. Michael Hill for a determination if space is available for a younger sibling (and if the sibling would be eligible to participate.)
What if I have other questions?
Fee free to reach out to Mr. Michael Hill or Dr. Lisa Hill for additional information.
[email protected] or info@irvingyouththeatre
If you PRE-RegistERED for the Moana, Jr Summer Theatre Camp Check your email for final regIStration and Payment information