Scroll Down for Audition forms and information!
Be…our…guest! Help us tell this “Tale as old as time” with Belle and the Beast, Gaston and Lefou and all the enchanted members of the castle. Auditions are open to students in 6th-12th grades – no matter which school you attend. Be a part of this wonderful story of transformation and acceptance!
Auditions are closed – stay tuned for casting!
Step 1: Read through the Guide and tutorials for Auditioning
Read the Audition Guide for details BEFORE submitting your audition forms!
Check out some monologue suggestions for young people at these sites
Step 2: Complete the Audition/Permission Forms
Auditions are closed – Check back for Tickets!
All young people in 6th-12th Grades who wish to PERFORM must complete the audition form which includes creating a monologue video and a song video. Be sure to read the Audition Guide above prior to submitting your form!
Scroll down for payment information!
Tech Crew
If you are interested in helping behind-the-scenes and you are in 8th-12th grades, just check that box on the Audition Form. You do not need to submit videos for the audition. You will need parent permission forms to participate.
Tech Crew will be scheduled to attend specific rehearsals and all of Tech Week and performances.
Auditions are closed!
PARENTS of all Performers and Tech Crew members must complete the Permission form which includes rehearsal dates and participation expectations.
**Be sure to complete the payment process linked below
Step 3: Make Payment for the Show Fee
Due to rising production costs and the elaborate nature of the sets and costumes for Beauty and the Beast, our normal script fee of $25 per cast member will need to be increased. We will now charge a $30 Show Fee. In addition to the Show Fee, will be renting many of the costumes for this production. We are determining which costume rental company we can utilize based on cast member willingness to pay additional fees for costume rentals. We estimate that, depending on the character for which you are cast, the costume rental will be between $50-$150.
After completing your registration forms, you should make your Show Fee Payment:
Show Fee – On the Stage Payment
due by June 1, 2024
This $30 fee includes your souvenir Actor’s Script and helps defray production costs.
After casting, each performer will know the costuming expectation for their role(s).