Advertise in our Little Mermaid, Jr. Show Program
Take a look at some sample ads from our first show – Aladdin, Jr. below.
To be a part of the next show program,
- complete the form below (scroll down)
- email [email protected] your artwork and
- send a check or make your payment through credit or PayPal online.
Families can submit “STAR” ads and community members can advertise their businesses while supporting Irving Youth Theatre!

Please note: Please complete the following form to place an ad in our upcoming Shows – first-come, first-served on the 3 Premium ads. Please make sure your ad is “camera-ready” – submit the form, payment and artwork to [email protected] by the deadline to be included in the program
Payment Options:
Credit Card through PayPal:
Check: Payable to ESI-Irving Youth Theatre